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Courses SLP

Building Blocks of Information Literacy

0 Enrolled Students


This short learning programme on building blocks of information literacy aims to develop basic skills to find, access, process and apply data, information, media and digital content ethically.

Admission Requirements:

Any person with matric and who are 18 years or older can enrol for this SLP.


Completion of this course will enable you to: • Define information literacy and explain the information literacy process comprehensively. • Correctly determine the need for a specific information source and accurately match the need to the purpose of the task. • Effectively search and find relevant sources using library collections and online resources. • Competently access and evaluate information using prescribed criteria. • Practice academic integrity (ethics) in the use of information. • Engage in practices to use digital technologies, online platforms, and digital content safely, responsibly, and ethically.

Course Instructors: